Cayenne Pepper Juice Cleanse Benefits - PUR Cold Pressed Juice

Cayenne Pepper Juice Cleanse Benefits

The cayenne pepper is a type of capsicum which is regularly used in cooking to add a spicy kick to dishes. Regardless of whether the idea of adding cayenne into a dish makes you salivate with hunger, or growl in agony at the numbing pain brought about by its taste, it cannot be denied that cayenne is a superfood which brings about immense health benefits to those who consume them. It is no wonder that in recent times, there is a trend of taking a cayenne shot every day to experience all of the health benefits of cayenne amongst health-obsessed individuals. Understandably, the taste of a cayenne shot is not one which everyone can stomach, and commercial juicers such as PUR Cold-Pressed have turned to incorporating cayenne into their juices to make them more palatable. To find out more about the benefits of cayenne, keep reading this article.

Full of Vitamins

A teaspoon of cayenne contains 45 percent of vitamin A. Vitamin A is critical to maintaining good vision and glowing, youthful skin, as well as strengthening one’s immune system. Vitamin E is another vitamin which can be found in cayenne, which helps to regulate the proper functioning of the organs in your body.

Clears Clogged Arteries

A diet high in cholesterol can result in the blockage of your arteries, which restricts the flow of blood throughout your body. If you have high cholesterol, it is highly recommended that you incorporate cayenne into your diet. Cayenne contains capsaicin, a powerful chemical which helps clear your clogged arteries by breaking down the fats which have accumulated on your arterial walls. It also aids in the dilation of your blood vessels, which helps in clearing away any clots which may be forming in them.

Digestive Benefits

When you are asked to think of a food which are beneficial to the digestive system, cayenne is unlikely to be the first one that comes to your mind. In fact, it would not be surprising that many would think that cayenne is more likely to result in an upset stomach! That, however, cannot be further from the truth, and the digestive benefits of cayenne are well-documented. Cayenne is a potent stimulator of digestive enzymes such as saliva, which break the foods you consume into smaller parts which can be absorbed by your body.

When cayenne is incorporated with other digestion-friendly foods such as celery, the digestive benefits are further accentuated. At PUR Cold-Pressed, cayenne is a pivotal ingredient in one of our juices, the PUR Celery Kick.

Supports Detoxification

The benefits brought about by cayenne to our circulatory and digestive systems means that it is also one of the best foods for detoxification, a process in which our juices are tailor-made for. Apart from the aforementioned benefits, the spiciness of cayenne also heats up your body and stimulates your sweat glands, with sweating being another important aspect of detoxification. During the sweating process, toxic, waste materials are dispelled from your body through your skin. By drinking our PUR Celery kick on a regular basis, your body will be able to carry out the detoxification process more effectively. So, what are you waiting for? Get your PUR Celery Kick at PUR Cold-Pressed today!  

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