Best Static Yoga Poses For Quick Weight Loss - PUR Cold Pressed Juice

Best Static Yoga Poses For Quick Weight Loss

If you are trying to shed those stubborn pounds and for some reason, your methods are not working, you may want to consider modifying or completely changing your methods. At PUR Cold-Pressed, we understand exactly how difficult it can be to lose weight, so we completely empathize with your struggle.

But worry no longer, because we have discovered a wonderful solution that might help you get the body that you will feel comfortable in. Ready to shed off those extra pounds? Without further ado, let us introduce you to static exercise poses! Like us, you will be surprised at how quickly they can achieve results. Here are our recommended static poses for weight loss.

The Plank Pose

Holding your body in the plank position truly is one of the most effective methods of strengthening the core regions of your body. It might not appear to be a particularly strenuous exercise, but the moment you get into the plank position, you will activate every deep abdominal muscles. Small adjustments to the pose can turn the intensity of the exercise up to an even higher level. If you’re disciplined and do the plank on a daily basis, we guarantee that before long, you’ll achieve a toned and lean abdominal region.

The Triangle Pose

The triangle pose might not cause your muscles to quiver or toil in the way that some other poses might. However, if you perform the triangle pose regularly, your abdominal region will start showing obvious results. The twisting movements of the triangle pose will assist in reducing fatty deposits in the abdominal region and will also help to improve digestion. In addition, engaging the muscles in your arms and legs will give you more muscle definition and burn a greater amount of fat.

The Bridge Pose

The bridge pose is wonderful for tightening the gluteal muscles, the thyroid, and yes, it aids in weight loss too! The act of moving your chest towards your chin will help to tenderly massage the thyroid gland. This will help to produce the extremely important hormone that regulates your metabolic rate.

Exerting a downward force with your feet will also engage and tone your back and thigh muscles. The bridge pose, like the triangle pose, helps to enhance the digestive system as well.

The Bow Pose

If you want to reduce abdominal fat quickly, the bow pose is here to help! You may intensify the pose by pulling your feet and hands in opposite directions to the point where only your pelvis and abdomen are in contact with the floor. The bow pose can let you reap numerous benefits. Not only does it help to massage the organs of the abdominal region and improve digestion, but it is also a great method for strengthening your chest, thighs, and your back.

Hydrate Yourself with Cold-Pressed Juice after Your Static Workout

After your static workout, reward yourself for your discipline by indulging in a glass of freshly pressed juice! Not only does cold-pressed juice hydrate your body, but it is also full of nutrients that are beneficial to our health. In fact, you can also complement your workouts with a juice cleanse to see faster results! Juice cleanses are a great way to detox and lose weight. Check out our PUR Juice Cleanse Collection today!

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