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Check Out Our Popular Cold Pressed Juices

Ch-ch-ch Chia!

Have you ever wondered what our ancestors ate before they had access to processed foods high in fats and sugar? How did they get their energy before we all worshipped at the altar of convenience and caffeine?

In the pre-Columbian era, chia seed was cultivated by the Aztec, and was so important that the people gave this staple food to their rulers as an annual tribute. Tiny and powerful, the chia seed, both whole and ground, has been used for centuries in Central and South America. More recently, chia has gained popularity worldwide as a nutritious food that can be easily added to almost any diet.

Chia is not just a great source of B Vitamins, calcium, and antioxidants but is also recognized for the chia benefits it offers. According to the US National Library National Institutes of Health, It’s also an incredible source of fiber, providing more than many dried fruits, cereals and nuts. It can be used to thicken fruit to make jam, turned into a delicious and creamy pudding. If that’s not an impressive enough resumé, consider this: chia seeds are a great source of plant proteins and omega-3 acids.

How can you incorporate more of this superfood into your diet? Try our Blue Chia, our most popular drink! It's so pretty you won't believe it's all natural, and so delicious you won't believe there are no added sugars! A hydrating blend of apple, pineapple, chia, and blue spirulina, this juice boosts immunity, eases digestion, and is a great source of B6, magnesium, and potassium. Experiencing the chia benefits firsthand, it’s the perfect drink to keep you energized through these hot summer days.

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