Benefits Of Detox CUR - PUR Cold Pressed Juice

Benefits Of Detox CUR

In recent years, juice cleansing has become a more and more popular health fad. With the incorporation of processed chemicals and substances such as refined oil and sugar into our diets, juice cleansing, which refers to the replacement of solid foods in one’s diet with liquid foods such as juice or broths, is one way to return our bodies back to their “natural” states.

At PUR Cold-Pressed, we are renowned for our commitment to helping our consumers achieve their health goals through juice cleansing and detoxification, and we do so through Detox CUR line of products! Read on to find out more about the health benefits of our products.

Aids in Digestion and Detoxification

First and foremost, our Detox CUR products aid in detoxification. The use of ingredients such as cayenne peppers, which boosts your digestive health by stimulating the production of enzymes essential to the breaking down of food, facilitates the detoxification process.

Apart from cayenne peppers, other superfoods which are used in our Detox CUR products include ginger and turmeric. Ginger aids in digestion by speeding up the process by which food moves to the small intestine from the stomach, thus reducing cramps and bloating. Meanwhile, the consumption of turmeric allows gut bacteria to flourish, and turmeric has been since ancient times been used to treat a variety of gastric disorders.

Improvement in Overall Health

Our Detox CUR products are made using the freshest fruits and vegetables, which are chock-full of nutrients. By drinking juice, you will be able to get more of these nutrients as it is unfeasible that one will be able to consume the individual fruits and vegetables in one meal. Additionally, a study conducted by a renowned British university revealed that fruit juices have a higher Vitamin C content than if one were to consume the fruits and vegetables individually.

Weight Loss

By consuming our Detox CUR products throughout your juice cleansing period, you should also see a drop in your weight. During the juice cleansing period, you abstain from refined carbohydrates, saturated fats and processed foods, substances which pack on the pounds. Additionally, a juice cleanse should also help to substantially reduce cravings for such unhealthy foods thereafter. Our products also help to stimulate the growth of microbiota in your digestive system which also aid in weight loss. A study conducted by the University of California, Los Angeles revealed that participants on a juice cleanse lose a substantial amount of weight after just three days, and they were able to maintain this decreased weight at the two-week mark!


Water, despite being one of the basic building blocks of life, is something which many people do not get enough of. A study by the European Hydration Institute reveals that more than half of the world’s population drink less than the recommended eight cups of water per day. Dehydration can result in reduced organ function and lowered mood.

By consuming our Detox CUR products, it will result in the increased intake of fluids, which facilitates the effective functioning of the body, while providing detoxifying benefits simultaneously. For maximum effect, make sure to drink sufficient water in conjunction with our juices!  

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