How Long Should You Cleanse For? - PUR Cold Pressed Juice

How Long Should You Cleanse For?

Sometimes, picking a cleanse can be more daunting than actually following through with it! With so many different options, it’s easy to get confused over what your body really needs.


That’s why we’re here to make the choice easy for you! From a speedy one day detox to a week long commitment, we’ve broken down the benefits of what each cleanse can offer you.


One day


A one day juice cleanse is perfect for an easy body reset. While it doesn’t have as many of the health benefits as a longer cleanse, it’s still an excellent way to dose up on vitamins while giving your digestive system a mini break.


Perks of a one day cleanse…


Improved hydration.


During your cleanse, you’re also drinking the natural water found in fruits and veggies. Due to this, you’re providing your body with extra hydration hits throughout the day.


Rests your digestive system.


By only consuming liquids for 24 hours, you’re eliminating the need for your digestive system to break down solid foods, allowing it to focus on simply absorbing nutrients.


Reduced bloat.


Bloating is often caused by overeating and consuming inflammatory food. By sticking to juice, you’re eliminating a lot of these major bloating culprits.


Three days


A three day cleanse is designed to eliminate toxins from your body, and give it a chance not just to rest, but to repair itself too! If you’re looking for an all rounder cleanse that doesn’t seem too daunting, this one’s perfect for you!


Perks of a three day cleanse…


Rejuvenates your digestive system.


A three day cleanse allows your digestive system to rest and clean itself. As well as absorbing more nutrients, this helps reduce uncomfortable symptoms like bloating, gas and nausea.


Boosts energy


Your body will start to feel the benefits of the extra nutrients and hydration you’re absorbing, leading to a boost in energy levels and more mental clarity.


Temporary weight loss


On average, people tend to lose 1 to 5 pounds during a three day cleanse. However, this is primarily due to a reduction in water weight and stored carbohydrates rather than fat loss.


Seven Days


A seven day cleanse has all the benefits of a shorter cleanse, plus longer lasting effects. This isn’t just a physical reset. A cleanse this length can give you a mental reset too!


Perks of a seven day cleanse…


Healthier hair and skin


Before your cleanse is even complete, you’re likely to notice clearer skin, shinier hair, and a radiant, lit-from-within glow.


Improved mental clarity


A longer cleanse eliminates the stress of meal planning and making food based decisions, as well as forcing you to pay attention to everything you’re putting into your body. This allows your mind to reset along with your body, encouraging a healthier way of thinking.


Eliminates food intolerances


On average, it takes the body one to three weeks for your digestive tract to fully heal from exposure to food you’re sensitive to. A one week cleanse is a great way to start testing the waters of food elimination, as you are naturally avoiding many common food allergens.


Cleansing comes in many different shapes and forms. Whether you want to go all in on a long one, dip your toes in for a day, or find something in the middle, it’s important to pick one that works for you.


Remember, a cleanse is here to help your body, not hinder it. Do it the right way with PUR.

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